Wednesday, March 11, 2009


Having recently read a quote from Socrates, the concept of realization came to mind. Here is the quote, close to two thousand years old.

“An unexamined life isn’t worth living.”

The understanding of this quote leads the mind to question why would you not want to lead a life which is full of realization. By inquiring and asking who am I?, the concept of spiritual realization occurs.

In its infancy this inquiry was the basis of strong jnana (spiritual yoga), presently this inquiry leads to concepts such as siddi, evolution, immortality, and Godly abilities which many only think as fable or farce. The following are two main meditation which develop jnana and specialized Yoga inquiring, leading to development not only of recognition of the self, but spiritual and immortal fortitude.

1. The concept of inquiry. While meditating examine the thoughts of what is God? Then reframe, and ask oneself, what is God in me?

2. Through the first meditation the concept of inquiry into what is God will lead to the recognition that the self which is the Soul is one and the same. In this meditation the recognition of 3 shift in consciousness raising up to the 16th chakra is possible. Examine what am I? Examine what am I not? Examine why is consciousness the foundation of thought.

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